Cohort information

Organization University of Verona
Name of cohort Retrospective Verona COVID19
Referring partner UNIVR
Cohort Information Country(-ies), cities, regions or centers involved Verona, Italy
Time of data collection 03/2020 03/2023
Enrolment Inactive
Study setting Single center
Population Age Adults,Elderly
Type Retrospective
Total number of patients 430
Site of enrolment (WP2) Inpatient
Data collection Clinical data True
Serological data False
Genetic data False
Sample collection False
Sample collected Whole blood NA
Dry-spot blood NA
Plasma NA
Serum NA
Stool NA
NP swabs NA
Other NA
Description Retrospective cohort (at the collection) that run before Orcehstra was funded. it contains 430 patients enrolled in Verona during the first wave of COVID. There are in-hospitall followup dates and extensive biochemistry.
Publications - Assessment of COVID-19 progression on day 5 from symptoms onset [BMC Infectious Diseases]