Cohort information

Organization LMU University Hospital, LMU Munich
Name of cohort KoCoImpf
Referring partner LMU MUENCHEN
Cohort Information Country(-ies), cities, regions or centers involved Munich, Germany
Time of data collection 06/2021 07/2022
Enrolment Inactive
Study setting Single center
Population Age Adults,Elderly
Type Prospective
Total number of patients 6467
Data collection Clinical data True
Serological data True
Genetic data False
Sample collection True
Sample collected Whole blood No
Dry-spot blood Yes
Plasma No
Serum No
Stool No
NP swabs No
Other None
Description The aim of this study is to understand the short-, medium- and long-term immune response in individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. For this purpose, the infection and immune status (SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies) of up to 6,500 individuals in the Munich area was determined at different time intervals over several months. For the first round of the study (June 2021 - December 2021), potential study participants from the Munich population were informed about the study at the Impfzentrum Riem, as well as in hospitals, medical and nursing facilities in Munich. Individuals who met the inclusion criteria were offered to test their antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 after COVID-19 vaccination. After detailed information and informed consent of the study participants, the study team performed a finger prick to collect capillary blood on the day of the first vaccination or at study recruitment. In addition, essential information such as SARS-CoV-2-specific vaccination and infection status, as well as other possible risk factors were queried in a questionnaire. For the follow-up study round (May 2022 - July 2022), capillary blood sampling was repeated. For this purpose, packages for blood collection from the fingertip were sent home to the study participants. Each blood collection testkit was accompanied by easy-to-understand instructions for blood collection from the fingertip, a questionnaire, and an individual cover letter. The blood samples and questionnaires were sent back to the Institute of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine. HCWs of the LMU Medical Center underwent in-person visits in May 2022 and capillary blood samples were obtained on-site by trained personnel.
Publications - Determinants of Anti-S Immune Response at 6 Months after COVID-19 Vaccination in a Multicentric European Cohort of Healthcare Workers – ORCHESTRA project [Frontiers in Immunology]
- Determinants of Anti-S Immune Response at 9 Months after COVID-19 Vaccination in a Multicentric European Cohort of Healthcare Workers-ORCHESTRA Project [Viruses]
- The Prospective COVID-19 Post-Immunization Serological Cohort in Munich (KoCo-Impf): Risk Factors and Determinants of Immune Response in Healthcare Workers [Viruses]
- Incidence and Determinants of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infections After Booster Dose in a Large European Multicentric Cohort of Health Workers-ORCHESTRA Project [Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health]
- Multimorbidity and Serological Response to SARS-CoV-2 Nine Months after 1st Vaccine Dose: European Cohort of Healthcare Workers-ORCHESTRA Project [Vaccines]
- Determinants of Anti-S Immune Response at 12 Months after SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in a Multicentric European Cohort of Healthcare Workers-ORCHESTRA Project [Vaccines]