Cohort information

Organization LEOSS
Name of cohort Lean European Open Survey on SARS-CoV-2 infected patients (LEOSS)
Referring partner UHC
Cohort Information Country(-ies), cities, regions or centers involved 136 active sites (from different countrys, such as Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Switzerland, Latvia, England, Spain, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Italy)
Time of data collection 03/2020 Ongoing
Enrolment Active
Study setting Multi-centers
Population Age Children,Adolescents,Adults,Elderly
Type Retrospective
Total number of patients 13290
Site of enrolment (WP2) Outpatient,Inpatient,ICU
Data collection Clinical data True
Serological data True
Genetic data False
Sample collection False
Sample collected Whole blood NA
Dry-spot blood NA
Plasma NA
Serum NA
Stool NA
NP swabs NA
Other NA
Description LEOSS represents an European, non-interventional cohort study with a multi-centric character (with 136 actively involved sites, predominantly in Germany), as well as a trans-sectoral character (including university sites, non-university sites, medical practices, as well as stationary and ambulatory patients). This study uses an open, anonymous and retrospective documentation approach and has been able to build a relevant and uniform clinical data set. In this context, socio-demographic and clinical data as well as laboratory parameters on all phases of the infection have been collected in LEOSS, focusing on hospitalized and ambulatory patients (acute disease). This allows analysing and identifying independent predictors of outcome in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients, as well as the changes of those predictors during the pandemic waves. Furthermore, the LEOSS eCRF has been extended regularly involving acquired knowledge regarding the dynamics of the pandemic (e.g. virus mutations of SARS-CoV-2, vaccinations, and treatments) and addressing more sub-cohorts by special modules (e.g. ethics and palliative care), which have been designed in collaboration with the respective medical societies. Furthermore, the LEOSS eCRF has been extended regularly involving acquired knowledge regarding the dynamics of the pandemic (e.g. virus mutations of SARS-CoV-2, vaccinations, and treatments) and addressing more sub-cohorts by special modules (e.g. ethics and palliative care), which have been designed in collaboration with the respective medical societies.