Cohort information

Organization University of Brescia - ASST Spedali Civili
Name of cohort ASST Spedali Civili
Referring partner UNIBO
Cohort Information Country(-ies), cities, regions or centers involved University Hospital “ASST Spedali Civili” network, which includes three facilities (Brescia, Montichiari and Gardone Val Trompia) and territorial services located in the county of Brescia.
Time of data collection 04/2020 10/2022
Enrolment Active
Study setting Multi-centers
Population Age Adults,Elderly
Type Both
Total number of patients 8903
Data collection Clinical data False
Serological data True
Genetic data True
Sample collection True
Sample collected Whole blood Yes
Dry-spot blood No
Plasma No
Serum No
Stool No
NP swabs Yes
Other None
Description Register of symptoms onset or close contact with a confirmed COVID case occurred among our cohort before vaccination, with details on symptoms experienced, contact set, PPE used and kind of source. Molecular swabs performed with information about age, gender, job title, vaccination status, type of vaccine. Information on clinical course (symptoms experienced and time for recovering) in case of post-vaccine infection identified via molecular swab. Serological test results with information about gender, age, job title, vaccination status and type of vaccine administered. Post-vaccine anti-N seroconversions. Post-vaccine anti-S and anti-N seroreversions. Interferon Gamma Release Assay results (6 vaccinated workers not showing anti-SARS-CoV-2-Spike antibodies).
Publications - Serological response after SARS-CoV2 vaccination in healthcare workers: a multicenter study [La Medicina del Lavoro]
- Determinants of Anti-S Immune Response at 9 Months after COVID-19 Vaccination in a Multicentric European Cohort of Healthcare Workers-ORCHESTRA Project [Viruses]
- Temporal trends of COVID-19 antibodies in vaccinated healthcare workers undergoing repeated serological sampling: An individual-level analysis within 13 months in the ORCHESTRA cohort [Frontiers in Immunology]
- The Effect of the Immunization Schedule and Antibody Levels (Anti-S) on the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Large Cohort of Healthcare Workers in Northern Italy [Vaccines]