Cohort information

Organization ZIKAlliance
Name of cohort ZIKAlliance SARS-CoV-2 substudy
Referring partner UMCG
Cohort Information Country(-ies), cities, regions or centers involved UMCG, Groningen (Netherlands); UKHD, Heidelberg (Germany); Valencia (Venezuela); Lima (Perú); Bucaramanga (Colombia); Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Time of data collection 08/2022 Ongoing
Enrolment Inactive
Study setting Multi-centers
Population Age Children,Adults
Type Retrospective
Total number of patients 3111
Type of frailty (WP4) Pediatric,Pregnant
Data collection Clinical data True
Serological data True
Genetic data True
Sample collection True
Sample collected Whole blood Yes
Dry-spot blood No
Plasma No
Serum No
Stool Yes
NP swabs Yes
Other None
Description The initial purpose of this cohort was the evaluation of risks of congenital malformations and other adverse pregnancy outcomes after Zika virus infection in pregnant women and their children. Future: we have integrated the investigation of SARS-CoV-2 infection and SARS-CoV-2 disease into the on-going Zika PW cohort study.