Cohort information

Organization Emilia Romagna Health and Social Agency
Name of cohort CoVstories
Referring partner RER-ASSR
Cohort Information Country(-ies), cities, regions or centers involved Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy
Time of data collection 09/2021 10/2022
Enrolment Inactive
Study setting Multi-centers
Population Age Adolescents,Adults
Type Prospective
Total number of patients 2656
Data collection Clinical data True
Serological data True
Genetic data False
Sample collection False
Sample collected Whole blood NA
Dry-spot blood NA
Plasma NA
Serum NA
Stool NA
NP swabs NA
Other NA
Description Purpose: 1) to describe the true incidence rate of SARS-CoV-2 asymptomatic and symptomatic infections in population attending secondary schools ; 2) to identify risk factors for acquiring SARS-CoV-2 (socioeconomic, demographics, life-style, infection control measures adopted at school and in the daily life)